Animals Unearthed

During this Hands-On Workshop Louise will teach you the modelling techniques needed for you to make an animal from clay.

Louise experimented with form and decoration so that ‘animals’ look like precious objects that have been dug up from the earth.

Louise will bring along some examples of her work that can be used for inspiration. She will demonstrate the modelling techniques needed for you to make such an animal from clay. You will, with guidance, design the piece that you want to make and combine the techniques demonstrated to make the form from white earthenware clay.

The finished shapes with be coated with a coloured slip and Louise will demonstrate how to decorate the piece by etching the design through the slip into the clay. You will leave your animal to be dried out, bisque fired and re-fired with a clear glaze. Your unique animal can be picked up a few weeks later.

The workshop is not suitable for beginners, just those with some experience with basic handbuilding techniques.

These workshops are open to adults (18+), and the cost includes instruction, materials and the animal you make. Refreshments provided throughout the day, but please bring a packed lunch.

This workshop is led by Louise Bell. Please click HERE to see examples of Louise’s work.

Louise is a ceramic artist living in East Sussex, who initially studied Psychology and worked in Further Education Colleges for 18 years, before doing an MA in Craft at Brighton University and participating in the Craft Council’s Hothouse programme. Her first career has informed her ceramics practice and led her to explore ways that ceramics can investigate emotional and social issues. She makes project based, hand built sculptures with multi – layered surfaces and multi – layered meanings.


The ideas behind Louise’s work are as important to her as the making itself and a lot of her time is spent researching and drawing. The seed of an idea for her ‘Ancient Toys’ project was the rattle form and her grand-children’s love of her collection of tin spinning tops. She researched the origins of toys and discovered that our most loved toys – the top, rattle, yo-yo and animals on wheels, have universal appeal and many date back as far as 2600BC. She wanted to value these iconic toys that have evolved through centuries and across continents and yet have changed so little in shape and purpose.

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