Building Buildings & Ceramic Design

Build emotive structures inspired by architecture, from design on paper to finished piece.

This course is for inquisitive makers and those looking to expand their skills beyond craft-based pottery.

Over the course of six weeks, participants will be encouraged to develop their own creative process and explore new and different ways of working. If you are looking to experiment with form and structure, this workshop is for you.

Clay is a perfect medium for recreating and reimagining architecturally inspired sculptural forms, from treasured family homes to architectural icons; clay can be a versatile material capable of sharp lines and bold forms.

The premise of this course is to develop a piece (or series) in response to a building or specific location special to you. With a big emphasis on the design process, the course will focus on slab building techniques, paying close attention to fine detail, encouraging students to refine and develop their skills.

As a maker Tim Fluck is renowned for his precision, attention to detail and love of clean sharp forms. Throughout this course Tim will lead you through his design process, sharing his techniques as well as his research into the connection between architecture and ceramics.

These small groups sessions will include discussing and sharing ideas, advice on how to plan and develop ideas, one-on-one tuition, technical guidance and support.

This course is open to adults (18+). The cost includes instruction and the items you make to take home. Refreshments and drinks are also included.

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